Strawberry (genus Fragaria) is one of the most popular berry fruits in the world which belongs to the rose family (Rosaceae). There are more than ten known species of Fragaria that differ in their flavor, size and texture. Strawberries are considered a superfood. They are an excellent source of vitamins C and K, provide good sources for fiber, folic acid, manganese and potassium and contain significant amounts of phytonutrients and flavonoids, making them bright red. Strawberries are low-growing herbaceous plants with a fibrous root system and a crown from which the basal leaves arise.
The leaves are compound, typically with three leaflets, sawtooth-edged and usually hairy. The white flowers (rarely reddish) are carried in small clusters on slender stalks arising from the leaves' axils. As a plant matures, the root system becomes woody and the crown sends out runners (e.g., stolons) to propagate the plant vegetatively. The true fruits are actually embedded in the red strawberry flesh. The flesh contains an average of 200 "true fruits" within one signal strawberry.
Common strawberry growing methods today, are focused on greenhouses or high tunnels that enable changing the plant's environment and be precise when irrigating and fertilizing. It is possible to grow strawberries hydroponically or in semi hydroponic systems (usually coco substrate) in hanging gutters.

Farmers Pain Points
Soil: It is becoming more and more popular to grow strawberries soilless. Increasing yield and simplifying harvest.
Climate: It is important to choose the right variety for a given climate. Varieties differ in their response to low temperature or high temperature.
Pests and diseases: Strawberries used to be one of the most sprayed crops. As demand for less sprayed strawberries is growing, a new approach is required.

Growing Smart
support package
Characterizing the requirements for growing strawberries in your region.
Identifying the best varieties for growing conditions and growers’ needs.
Plot design – planting density and irrigation system.
Fertilizing program to achieve maximum yield potential.
Pesticiding protocol and guidelines.
Post-harvest guidance and solutions.
Ongoing technical support to ensure best results and customers’ satisfaction